

So even though today is Friday, and I should be very excited about the weekend ahead...

I'm not.

I work a double today at work and the dinner shift tomorrow.  I want to sit at home and crochet and read and watch movies.  Or go out and pick pumpkins and go to the movies and out to dinner and have fun.

But, in the meantime, I am going to dream of...

Apparently I have homes on the mind.



Fall has always felt like home to me.  I'm not sure if it is the cold, which creates a need for blankets, or if it is the idea of hot drinks and good books.  Either way, I always feel more comfortable in my skin.  



Things I have learned in October:

1. If I thought September was busy, I never dreamed of October!

2. I love whipped cream cheese on an everything bagel.

3. Coffee keeps me alive.

4. Making food with friends and hanging out is more relaxing than watching T.V. by myself.

5. I want a comfy oversized sweater... like this one from Gap:

6. Fall/Autumn feels like home.

7. I get wrapped up accomplishing lists and forget to blog. 

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